Its bad enough being Game stalked by Evil Bill in that when we play he knows my routes and constantly plots up to stop me landing flags but when he was away fishing and msg me from France saying me robot, Sweety and couple others are bang out of order for playing Sewers and extending it for 10 mins? saying its cheating? LOL, msg me 2 mins after playing the game from his tent in france hahaha, he had the right hump over it PMSL because i got 5000 points saying its not fair and we are cheating blah blah blah saying score per min on game tracker is ridiculous, i tried to expalain the score per min is high for everyone due to the game tracker point reset and the new point system but he wasn’t having any of it.
he came back from france went on server when empty, loaded the game twice so could start servers map up and took a 150 flags lol
now he cant see that me Gore play more than double the time he does so our scores will be higher, he ignores the fact he has games of getting 5000 points etc but every time i do he goes on server empty and takes loads flags
Today he went on empty server to take 480 100 point flags, look at pics, he’s played half the time me and gore have and just few 1000 behind with fake 48 per min score.
its pathetic me wasting time doing it but even more pathetic him doing it, he’s crap without his boxes to hide behind but thinks he’s the best player on their LOL
Fakery score hahahaha His latest is joining server in my name and leaving it idle for hours to ruin my score per min, he did for over 4 hours couple days ago, how pathetic haha!!!
now hes sitting on server saying flag security lol is that so he can’t nick anymore? someones lost the plot i think
all because he wants to show his mates he’s at the top FPMSL
look at pics on discord i posted
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by SLicer.