Europe Server

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  • #721
    John Mullins SoF2SOF2MP

    Just throwing an idea out there.

    As probably 50% of players are from Europe it would be nice to have a EU server to help with the ping difference and make it fairer.

    How I see this working is instead of having both servers online at the same time and dividing the players, we instead switch from USA to EU on a weekly basis.

    Week 1 = USA server
    Week 2 = EU server
    Week 3 = USA server
    Week 4 = EU server

    And so on…

    This can easily be done and won’t cost us any more money to do so, would just be a case of myself or Putrefy closing one server and opening the other.



    Avatar photoSLicer

    ive got a server on elite games doing nothing, letme know if you want to use it

    Avatar photoSLicer

    ill let you take full admin of it mate

    John Mullins SoF2SOF2MP

    That would be awesome, where is the server located mate?

    Avatar photoSLicer

    its in telehouse London, good pings, im down south not far from Brighton
    will get login details sorted for you mate

    Avatar photoSLicer

    whats your email mate i will invite you to client area

    John Mullins SoF2SOF2MP

    Cool, there’s no rush, I’m still waiting on Putrefy to get back to me regarding this idea..

    Lol I’m sure you would quite like a lower ping on L!VE though as myself and others would too..

    Hit me up on [email protected] or jump on Discord and message me there.


    Avatar photoSLicer

    Sent you invite mate, let me know you got the right permissions?
    change whatever you like i think i probably messed up the configs lol so reinstall.
    Was thinking the week the server is shut down you could password it. and msg saying join usa server.
    you can give Putrefy admin and whoever else has it can have it too.
    yeah be nice to play with low ping sometimes, be good for you as im sure its not the best being on 4g which is probably holding you back

    Avatar photoPsychoStevo

    Well I have to say that I probably will forgo playing too much during that week because, I have a hard enough time hitting anything at a 50 ping let alone 150 to 200. 😦 It will be the week for high pingers to go low and low to go high lol . Skyrim week 👍

    Avatar photoPsychoStevo

    Okay so it wouldn’t let me edit my post anymore I guess I keep changing shit too much anyways I might suggest and it’s just a suggestion of course that you run both servers at the same time and let people decide where they want to go. I think some players that are lower ping players might have a problem with spending a week in a high latency state of game and it might cause problems. Some people have a hard time playing even with a low ping but you throw them into 150 to 200 or higher ping. They might not like that so much.

    Avatar photoSLicer

    im in uk on live i ping from 100 to 130, so should be same for you, wouldnt think will be 150-200 mate.
    its not like old days pings on modem with tons packet loss.
    i play on Hoos server too with ping 50-70 and its not that much diff to live server.
    My server is a high priority server too so plenty bandwidth

    Avatar photoEvilBill

    lets give it a go

    Avatar photoL!VEMrsAqua

    I dont think it would make much difference to me as im a shit shooter anyway!! hahahaha im up for any chaqnges 🙂

    Mrs A

    Avatar photoSLicer

    You’re not shit, very good actually.
    Be nice to play these maps on a uk server 🙂
    you’re from the uk aren’t you?

    Avatar photoL!VEMrsAqua

    yes uk 🙂

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